
At 杰克逊的大学, parents and family are our partners in student success. 在你的帮助下, we can help your student achieve their goals, develop their personal identity and prepare for life’s challenges.

以下要求已落实到位,关于客人在学生宿舍. 学生公寓也保留修改任何房客的客人特权的权利,基于违反客人政策或关注和安全和/或社区福祉.

客人 must be signed in and out at the front desk and must leave a picture ID, state-issued identification card, 驾照, or military ID at the desk for the duration of their visit. Nonresident guests will be required to fill out a background information form. Information must be printed in a legible format. Failure to comply will result in refusal of entry.

客人 must be escorted by their host at all times. 客人 are held to the same standard as each resident, 招待客人的人有责任确保他们不违反政策或破坏社区. If policies are violated, the guest’s host will also be held responsible.

住客主人对住客在宿舍期间的所有行为负责. 如果客人(在宿舍)违反住宿政策,主人可能会受到纪律处分, 全球网络赌博平台政策, 或者当地法律.


只有晚上8点,18岁以下的客人才被允许入住.m. 到8点.m. 在来访前48小时,获得房屋专业人员的书面批准. 所有未满18岁的客人必须填写未成年人住宿许可表格,包括父母或法定监护人的书面许可. 的 resident host must supervise all guests under the age of 18 at all times. 未成年人住宿许可表可在任何学生住宿单位的前台领取.



学生公寓每栋楼的每间套房只允许四名客人入住,套房中每人最多两名客人. 二人限制不适用于希望带孩子入境的父母或法定监护人. 例如, 有两个孩子的家长可以在不受两人限制的情况下探望住在校园里的学生.

《全球网络赌博平台》(FERPA)是一项联邦法律,它赋予学生审查自己教育记录的权利, to request amendment of their records, to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information, and to file complaints with the U.S. 教育部. Information regarding the rights of 杰克逊的大学 students under FERPA (pdf) is available on the JC Policy website. 这些信息包括全球网络赌博平台审查和要求修改教育记录的程序, 学院指定的目录信息类型的通知, and students’ right to withhold the release of their directory information. 的 FERPA Authorization Form (pdf) is found on 杰克逊的大学 website or from the 学生服务 department.

Center for Student Success

At the Center for Student Success (CSS), 我们致力于通过免费为全球网络赌博平台的学生提供各种支持服务,为所有学生提供取得学业成功的机会. 这包括, 但不限于, 同侪和教员辅导, 心理健康转介, temporary assistance with transportation, various workshops/seminars, 以及TRIO全球网络赌博平台.

除了, 书院教职员致力调整学院的一般服务,以满足符合条件的残疾学生的个别需要, for the purpose of providing equal access to all programs and facilities.


全球网络赌博平台致力于为大杰克逊的不同公民服务, Hillsdale and Lenawee counties. It is our utmost desire to continue to provide an atmosphere that is warm, engaging and rich in cultural diversity. 全球网络赌博平台有着悠久的传统,为大杰克逊社区提供丰富的文化, educational and entertaining programs. We also provide our students with a variety of opportunities to get involved in. 这些组织为我们的学生提供了在校园和社区领导中发挥领导作用的机会.


全球网络赌博平台与Allegiance Health合作,为JC的学生和员工提供医疗保健评估和诊所护理人员的治疗. 有执照的执业护士和技术人员将在办公室为病人看病, make diagnosis and assessment, prescribe medications or make referrals. JC nursing and allied health students will also assist as part of their education. Use of the clinic is available to all current employees and students at minimal cost. Lab work may be billed to insurance. 诊所可以提供收据,患者可以将收据提交给保险公司报销.

International Student Institute

国际学生学院为国际学生提供从入学到毕业的全面支持,并提供出国留学机会, and helping to enhance the global dimensions of the College.


全球网络赌博平台与家庭服务和儿童援助(FSCA)合作,为全球网络赌博平台的学生和员工提供广泛的行为健康服务. Licensed mental health and substance abuse clinicians, along with the Oasis Navigator, 是否可以在绿洲中心提供个性化的支持,或协助个人在位于杰克逊市中心的FSCA总部获得服务. 绿洲领航员将学生和员工与适当的社区支持联系起来,以满足个人需求. 的 navigator will also provide advocacy for the individual.


资源 for the business office, payment portals and financial aid.


本网站是学生了解学术和学生行为政策的资源, 以及校园里可用的资源来帮助学生尽可能地取得成功.


杰克逊的大学 strives to be a world-class institution. We could not do that without the support of our students. We want you to be successful, and we strive to facilitate your achievement by offering various services, opportunities for community involvement and locations to best serve you. While you are here, make the most of the opportunities afforded you. 认识其他学生. Get involved in campus life. 访问 with the faculty and seek their counsel. Above all else, make a difference in and out of the classroom. 学生服务是一站式的咨询,经济援助,注册和录取.